Its often the case where you see a sporting coach doing really well, I am sure your school football or hockey coach comes to mind, at last someone who inspired you. When we speak about great coaches, there is a tangible and clear visual of what that coach does to achieve a prize at the end. For example, the World Football Cup, or the European Cup. The coach and his team’s names will be engraved in the annals of history!

There is absolutely no doubt in your or my mind. The player trained extremely hard, he motivated them, allowed them to know they could achieve almost the impossible, and on the day of each match, the coach managed the team from the side-lines, cleverly and strategically outmaneuvering the competing team to achieve victory.

But if I asked you, what is Life Coaching, what does it look like? What does it taste like…, I mean what colour is it. The truth is if you have never heard of Life Coaching you possibly wouldn’t know, and even if you have and had some coaching sessions, there isn’t a single session that follows the same routine, methodology or purpose.

Wikipedia defines life coaching as: “Coaching is a form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal” but what does it taste like?

Well, its different for each individual, and no two individuals are alike. Coaching is about achieving your goals, by using methods used in no other academic type of learning, and in fact for most people it works; and it works where all else failed.

Whether its from the school of NLP or Mindfulness, International Coach Federation (ICF) or any other likewise institution, they are all geared to help us become more effective in achieving our goals, which in event would make us more successful with our lives personal or professional.


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